Oomnex Tonospier
(Body Treatment)
The Oomnex TonoSpier is the newest system of Electric Muscle Stimulation that uses gentle electrical current pulses in order to stimulate muscle contraction and improve skin toning.
Body Slimming
Weight Loss
Muscle Training
Body remodeling and shaping
Buttocks firming and shaping
Oomnex TonoSpier operates by using electric muscle stimulation to send electric pulses through the skin in order to create muscle contractions and blood circulation improvement. Ultimately, the treatment allows for intensive muscle contractions to build and strengthen muscles in a safe and effective way. By combining this treatment with regular exercise to tone muscles, results will be even greater and long-lasting!

Increase muscle strength and density
Helps to decrease the volume of local fat deposits
Increase skin elasticity and improve its tone
Improve lymphatic flow
Increase blood circulation
Helps with detoxification
Speed up muscle recovery
Helps to tone sagging skin
Increase of muscle mass - about 15%
Burning fat - about 18%
Building up muscle
Giving your clients more muscle tone
Increasing muscle development and definition
Helps to decrease abdominal diastasis